Sunday, April 28, 2013

Good and Bad

I've got some good news and some bad news.

School will be out soon and it's still not too late for a garden. Here's two links that have some valuable information as the routine changes to "The Good Ol' Summer Time" Some of the snacks would be great projects to include the kids!

First the list of bad news.
Bad Stuff

Here is the good news!
Good Snack Ideas

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Registering Seeds HR 193

Today we are sounding the WARNING as planting season blooms across the nation.
Please find included the latest legislation regarding the possibility of registering "saved seeds" that bear a patent. Also included is a list, although not complete, a list of already patented bedding plants. That is not to say these bedding plants are GMO, but rather that the seeds may at some point be reclaimed by the distributing company or require registration. Article

Here are a few seed companies listed on the internet that offer heirloom seeds. I have actually purchased seeds from several of these companies and replanted my harvested seeds.

Included in this next list are the trademark names of what could potentially become seeds that must be registered or returned. I'm not suggesting every back yard garden could be confiscated, but then again, I'm just offering the list in the link below.

Owned Heirloom Seed Names


Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Food Solution . . .

Scripture tells us if we are obedient, we will have rain in it's season and we will eat the goodness that the land produces. We are also told what will happen if we are not obedient. I didn't realize until just now what we have already chosen to do. I noticed when I was traveling abroad in ministry that even false religions with "many gods" realized bad weather and crop conditions meant a an unhappy deity. I made the comment when I returned to the states, how odd it was that a so-called Christian nation didn't consider G-d in the failed crops or drought. Now, we hear several comments, usually jokes when the rains begin, but we have the promise, next time it won't be water, it'll be fire.

The last two years of drought in the cropland, clearly indicate we are not getting rain in it's season, and the poor harvests, as well as the reduced cattle herds should tell us the land is not producing as much goodness. We can also go to the grocery store and see that our wallets cannot afford what goodness there is, if in fact it is goodness at all. I seriously did not realize we've made the choice to override Scripture as we continue to be the consumers of the products of genetic modification, chem-trails, cloud seeding, etc. We may make a bit of noise and even give some lip service, but when it really boils down to it, even the new generation of Bible-thumpers says, "G-d knows we're doing the best we can."

Are we doing the best we can? When Monsanto is blatant? When our government has practically given cart blanche power to the FDA? How about when the USDA tells land owners what can and cannot be sown and the method which should be used? What about Sabbaths for the land? As I researched and prayed about this article, I'm realizing, we're long past the point of making a decision. We would literally have to go back several steps in this journey upon which we've already embarked, as a nation.

Before there was genetic modification, chemical herbicides and deadly pesticides. Before there weather alteration, crop dusting, chem-trails, etc., when agricultural problems arose, there was this old fashioned solution called; repentance. As a nation we don't do that. It would seem the solution is now to be determined on an individual basis. I don't have the power to stop the chem-trails, but the G-d of Israel is a covering for those who trust Him. I don't have the power or the money to go toe to toe with Monsanto, but the G-d of Israel is bigger, and He's provided me with enough money to buy heirloom seeds, and land on which to plant them. I don't have the land to run a herd of cattle, but I have enough land to feed a couple of goats for milk and I can share that milk with a bottle calf that can then graze with the goats.

As a society, we have taken entirely too much into our own hands and if we don't make an individual choice to do things differently, we are complicit. We were created to tend the garden and have dominion over the animals. The term, tend, does not mean alter or engineer. Dominion does not mean crossing species. We were not created nor given dominion over the land and the air. We were given the Instructions and the promise for seed time and harvest and the choices to be made that we can enjoy life and truly provide life and sustenance for our children.