Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Know It Seems As If I'm Harping . . .

I'm sure you've seen enough photos, read enough recipes, maybe even tried a few.  By now, you may be asking yourself what else needs to be said or shown about kale?   Kale is hearty stuff!  The ice on the water tubs was about an inch this morning and the kale in the garden was still standing!  I've transplanted some in the green house to enjoy this winter and a new crop that had just sprouted before I inadvertently pulled up a couple of plants.  All are doing well, indoors and out, but the garden kale is coming in today.

We simply must return to living as YHWH created us to live.  He never intended for His people to be materialistic and calling that blessed!

One of the highest values in kale, is Vitamin K, so expectant moms, new breastfeeding moms, this is a great food source to supply a vital nutrient for safe and quick healing circumcision.

Don't take my word for it, check out the graph.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Keeping it Growing

Terrie is enjoying her kale harvest from the seeds she planted just two months ago, and I'm so thankful for the updates she shares.  YHWH has truly blessed her with a talent.  This week I discovered something with the kale I planted last spring in the outdoor garden.  It has been growing so long, the stalk is actually thicker than the roots were able to hold up, when I tried to harvest more leaves.

When I inadvertently pulled up two plants, I transplanted the entire plant, into a bucket for the green house.  I had no idea if this experiment would work, but here are the two plants.

By the way, kale will continue to produce, as you harvest!  As you'll see in the photograph, the stalks are quite substantial with several obvious stem cuttings from previous harvests.  The small lacy edged leaves in the center top of the plant are new sprouts since the transplanting.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


This "lawn" became a place of prosperity to the point of abundance to share!  I love the photos of the neighboring lawns.  Let's get growing!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Assistance With an Answer

Three times this week, the fact of hunger without means has crossed my path.  I'm doing what I can at the moment the situation presents iself, but it's not just a momentary problem.  What was the exception 15 years ago regarding poverty and hunger, is now becoming pretty common place.  When I read and hear of job loss, it's not a recent situation.  Some of these losses go back two and three years without hope of finding another one.

I remember being so stunned and truly grieved when our President proclaimed that we were moving away from being an agrarian society.  I mean we obviously have been moving this direction long before he said it, but the reality of the fuller meaning, hit.  Agrarian societies have a solid economic base.  Everybody needs food!  Industrial societies have come and gone with invention and progress and service societies could become societies of indentured servants, which appears to be the present direction of our society.  I'm really glad he verbalized this, in that the move was so subtle, it could have slipped on away.

Both of my Grandmas had grown up on farms, and they had nothing good to say about living in the country.  They headed for town as soon as they could and didn't look back.  One of my Grandmas did maintain her skills, however; and she put up a few canned goods, always raised tomatoes and peppers.  I grew up in the country and as a kid, I remember thinking she just knew how to do everything.  I watched a lot, but there were a few things I didn't learn . . .

Back to the issue at hand.  If we do not get back to some small time personal agriculture very soon, people are going to be hungry, seriously hungry.  And hungry people become desperate.  I want to extend the invitation and offer, once again to establish and build our "Seeds of Friendship" Plan.  One seed can produce food and many more seeds.  That is the 100 fold increase Y'hshuwah was talking about!