Some herbs can be quite aggressive in their existence. Planning has been of utmost importance in that I want to establish something sustainable that won't be a continual challenge to maintain. I've seen some tractor tires repurposed and painted to become sandboxes and that gave me an idea. When getting new tires on the buggy, there was a $2.00 disposal fee per tire. I decided to bring them home instead. I think I've actually united the concepts of raised beds, square foot gardening, and repurposing in this one move.
I simple arranged them on the ground in the orchard, and have since added more. A newspaper on the ground, with flake of straw in the center of the tire serves as amazing weed control. Fill the tire with top soil or potting soil, I prefer to use topsoil and add my own fertilizer, as I have plenty available on site. I then plant one type of herb, vegetable, or fruit in the tire and maintain as I would any garden plant. These handy repurposed containers are watered readily when it rains, there is no weeding, and the aggressive intrusive herbs like spearmint are contained. The great news . . . they are free at tire shops!