Sunday, July 7, 2013

Make Something Grow

I usually speak in rather broad terms, as I never want to indicate everyone must be limited to specific foods or specific methods.  Grocery Underground is aimed at using our talents for the glory of our Creator, being creative in moving away from worldly system dependence, and protecting ourselves from "frankenfood."  We, here at Goshen do not proclaim dogma, nor do we try to stir fear, but today I have to make a specific suggestion.

Our food is costing more while offering less nutrition.  We get caught up in busy schedules, falling back on instant and prepackaged.  Most people, even apartment dwellers have a house plant and at least one window.  Many even have balconies.  Here's the plan that provides an instant snack with actual nutrition.  Make a vegetable or fruit a house plant or use a window box for raising a mini garden.

See what you are good at and see how quickly something will grow.  I have actually kept fresh lettuce and salad fixin's growing all winter in a sunny window, before I got my greenhouse.  My favorite handy snack are radish pods.  One radish will produce hundreds of them and they are snappy tangy little snacks along the lines of sugar snap peas.

I'm not suggesting you'll raise your entire food supply in a window box, but fresh snacks are a definite option!

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