Sunday, September 8, 2013

If At First You Don't Succeed . . .

Try something different.  There are a couple of nontraditional things I've tried as of late, and I'm really excited in the outcome, so I'm sharing avocado adventure, this week.

I've tried several times to get an avocado seed or pit to sprout.  I've attempted the standard method more times than I can count.  That is using tooth picks to suspend the pit in a glass of water until it sprouts or develops roots or something.  I've failed at this so many times, I didn't even know what to be looking for.  I've also tried suspending it both ways, that is; point down, wide end up, and vise-versa.

Every single time, without exception, nothing happened, and I tried for prolonged periods of time, only to serve up an old pit in the chicken feed.  So far, I've seen no evidence of an avocado tree in the chicken yard, either.

Earlier in the summer, I made guacamole resulting in two avocado seeds on the counter just glaring at me, defiantly.  It was at that moment, a thought occurred to me.  It's worked so well on so many other things I've tried, I decided to just stop obsessing over my failure.  That's not an easy decision in any failure in life for me, but, I chose to take a pragmatic approach.  I mean, after all, I'd never personally witnessed this suspended avocado pit success story, so I figured I had nothing to lose!  If my idea didn't work, it was two more avocado pits that didn't sprout, but it if did . . . I didn't even have a conclusion to that thought!

I didn't even give it a great deal of thought.  I had a large square patio pot with an eggplant growing in it, so I took a spoon, dug an avocado pit sized hole in two of the corners tossed in and covered; with two thoughts in mind.  Since they were in with something else, I wouldn't forget to water them, and if they did nothing, the seeds would break down and become soil nutrient.

That was the end of May, I believe.  The first of August, my folks were visiting when Daddy made the comment that I had two trees growing on my deck.  Sure enough!   The avocados were actually taller than the eggplant, which is now vining over the front of the pot weighted down by fruit.

So, if at first you don't succeed, and after too many times to count, you still don't succeed . . .

              try a different method!

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