Stop talking about it and just DO it! Now is the time to consider where your summer meals will come from. I'm not talking about worrying about tomorrow or being anxious about anything. I'm talking about sowing and reaping. Those seeds aren't going to plant themselves. I'm talking about doing what G-d's people were created to do, tend the garden!
GMO products are soon to cause much of what should be kosher without question, to be unclean. Much of the DNA being mixed with grains and vegetables is from small creatures that are not edible by Scriptural standards. I dearly love vegetables and our children need them, so this has sort of become a campaign of mine. YHWH has called me to warn about mixing holy with profane.
Even the heirloom seed producers are having difficulty knowing for sure that the corn has not been genetically altered by wind pollination. I read an article about scorpion DNA being fused with cabbage DNA as a pesticide. The scorpion poison was determined or at least theorized to serve as a pesticide against caterpillars. Last I read, scorpions were not kosher and their poison isn't any friendlier to humans than it is theorized to be toward caterpillars.
Now, I'm not going to just focus on the sci-fi horrors of the direction of our food supply, because I have been working with the alternative to Monsanto for a number of years now. The alternative is actually the original Plan, known as creation by our Creator, that each seed bearing herb and plant reproduce after it's own kind!
I realize many believe these are the end of days and when the going really gets tough manna will fall from the sky. I know YHWH is able to do that and have no doubt He will for those who are His and had no access to other options, but, and this is a big BUT . . . Y'hshuwah said the end of days would be as in the days of Noah, not Moses, and Noah was a farmer. It's time to get ready. Undoubtedly, when we've done all we can do, we can stand on the promise of standing, but before that time, we discover when the "going gets tough" we shouldn't have been standing around so early or so long . . .
It takes a relatively small area of land to have a garden that produces enough for a family of 4-6. With Google, it's easy to discover plants G-d already has growing in the wild that haven't been genetically altered, modified, or falsified as nutrition. I can also testify that He has told me there will be a great many claiming His provision that will actually be looking for handouts. Scripture addresses that in Psalms 37 and Philippians 3. We have His word that His people will not need to beg for bread. He will supply our need, but we must do what we were created to do. We've got to get off the social hamster wheel of perpetual motion and dependency. If we truly believe these are as the days of Noah, the righteous need to be doing what Noah did. I've read that many are now saying, well he had a 100 years and we don't. All the more reason to get with it. Perhaps the Great Depression was the first warning, in which case, we've frittered away 80 years already . . . Believers, we have been redeemed. Paradise was lost in the Garden of Eden, but it was reclaimed and redeemed at the Garden of Gethsemane and it was no accidental inclusion in John 20:15 that Mary Magdalene thought Y'hshwuah was the gardener after the resurrection.