Not only is this a fun Sunday morning surprise, but it's also the introduction to fresh milk. I rotate the milk goats so usually the only month I don't milk is January, but this year between broken arms and upheaval from most all directions, I ended up drying up the last milk goat in November, and then the first kids just arrived today, so by the time I start milking again, I'll have had a three month break from milking. I think I'll still remember how! Goat's milk is wonderful for anyone considering their own source of fresh milk. Goats are much smaller than cows, so their feed requirement is drastically smaller. Goats give about a half gallon of milk a day as opposed to at least three from a cow, so it's about right for the average family consumption, and goat's milk is easier to digest, with few lactic acid issues. It's reported that any mammal needed supplemental feeding for whatever reason, can be nourished and thrive on goat's milk. Human babies with allergies to formula have done very well on goat's milk. I raise bottle calves on goat's milk, of course that's all that's served at my table. I cook with it, I ever started a soap company with it. I freeze some, but I've learned to can it also and I've got milk for cooking, even through my "dry" winter month(s).
Just had to share our newest additions here at the Land of Goshen.
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