Sunday, August 31, 2014


I don't usually get very preachy in this particular section, but today is different.  The debate, of course, will continue into spring of 2016.  The debate to which I refer is the one regarding, the Sabbatical year.  Some say it begins at the end of this harvest, others say it's a year from now.  The debate covers three basic issues. The first issue, is some folks believe it only applies to Israel.  The second issue is how to calculate . . . that's an issue in every debate.  The third issue, is the question as to if it applies beyond Israel is it the same year as Israel observes or is it based on the individual's land purchase?  Then there's the question for city dwellers, regarding stocking up or it simply does not apply.  I've sincerely searched the Scriptures and sought YHWH.  I want to be obedient and I certainly do not want to mislead anyone.  In the natural, I lack confidence, and in this particular situation, I struggled.

Then, I realized, lacking confidence in what I believe I've been shown, can be a lack of faith.  Lacking confidence certainly can impede an act of obedience, but that's no excuse.  My confidence is in Messiah, not me, and He's the Word, so I'll take it and apply it as literally as I can, until led otherwise.  After reading the Instruction for the Sabbath year, and praying for understanding, Isaiah 1:19 rang in my spirit.  So, in order to "reason together" with Abba, I considered the facts in my particular situation.  I bought this place in late winter of 2009, before the month of Aviv, and the first thing I did was begin planting.  I've been working this land for 6 years, now, so to plant a garden next spring would be working the land seven years in a row.  There is the other factor that Israel is observing the Sabbatical year, this coming year, as well.  Those are two facts, I simply cannot ignore.

I have to admit, in this debate, something has crossed my mind frequently.  I am really going to miss fresh veggies next year!  Seriously, I am going to miss them terribly.  I know the produce is abundant this year and so delicious, but the abundance is for a reason.  A number of people have commented on how delicious the fresh produce is this year, and made remarks about what a good growing season we've had.  I could use the excuse that I'm unsure and even take a passage out of context and say a woman should not usurp authority over a man, and a number of men are teaching " it's not this coming year," but that would be wrong on my part.  The reality is, for all of us in the diaspora, it may be on an individual basis, but my individual basis says this year has been the 6th year I've planted on this land.  It's time to let it rest.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Yes, once again, the topic is, Shemitah.  The land on which I live will be resting for a year when this harvest is complete.  I realize there is debate about whether it's this year or next, but I would encourage each of us to look at the potentially bigger picture.  Judgment has come to this country, and famine is usually a part of judgment.  I've seriously told Abba, I don't know which year is the official year, but this is the sixth year I've planted on this land, and Israel is observing Shemitah this coming year, as well.  I can't ignore the facts I have.  There is more to this story, however; than just my humble opinion over 10 acres of the Ozarks.

Due to drought conditions that still persist in California, millions of acres were not planted this year.  The fact that the drought has persisted may mean even fewer acres will be planted next year . . . Ranchers have still not recovered their herd sizes from the losses incurred due to severe drought earlier in this decade.  Meat prices continue to soar.  What is troubling now, is a serious problem brewing for many Arkansas grain farmers.  A grain holding company is on the verge of a multi-million dollar bankruptcy, which will definitely affect the way farmers plan and plant next year.  Most farmers in this country do not have a year's worth of cash reserve and many use the land, annually, as collateral to buy seed.  There is no financial "wiggle room" for most farmers, which means it is possible that the land will not be worked . . .  Even if there is some sort of crop insurance, that doesn't put food on the grocer's shelves or the kitchen table.

Meanwhile in Kansas, GMO rice has been grown in open fields.

This is an obviously biased report, but the information regarding food stamps and farm subsidies seems pertinent to this article.  So . . . I apologize in advance for the political jabs of mainstream media. 

The land may indeed produce very little next year, and that is only assessing current circumstances.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


This year, everyone is talking about the flavor of the produce.  It is exceptionally delicious!  The rain and weather have been exceptional, also.  I remember that was also the case in 2007 . . . and abundance.  I had no idea what all needed to be prepared in 2007.  I came into the understanding in 2009, that Shemitah wasn't just for the country in the Middle East, called Israel.  As preparation is being made for Shemitah, a thought occurred to me.  Some flavor is lost in preservation, even when organic produce is preserved at home.  The loss of flavor is simply part of the process of preserving.  It is just inevitable.  It's still much better than no veggies all winter and unbelievably more flavorful than the interesting "fresh" produce sold in the stores through the winter months.  

What if Abba does add extra flavor to the produce the year before Shemitah?  I'm thinking of it as a possible two fold blessing.  With extra flavor before preserving, it will still be delicious over a second year and perhaps this extra flavor is a reward for obedience.   Isaiah 1:19 has come to mind, often this year.  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:   It certainly is noticeable enough for me to remember back to 2007 and the amazing raspberry grove I planted in 2000, which "Rome" destroyed in 2004.

As I said, I hadn't come into the understand that all land needed rest, even though I learned about crop rotation and the land lying fallow, in school . . . Crop rotation is man's way of ignoring Torah and not missing a crop income.  Anyway, due to circumstances far beyond my control, my 2008 garden was meager in the planting and even more meager in the harvest.  The only canning I did that that year was redbud jelly.  The food preserved in 2007, however; was enjoyed up through 2009 even into 2010.

gluten free pizza recipe in the Delectably Kosher Section