Sunday, August 24, 2014


Yes, once again, the topic is, Shemitah.  The land on which I live will be resting for a year when this harvest is complete.  I realize there is debate about whether it's this year or next, but I would encourage each of us to look at the potentially bigger picture.  Judgment has come to this country, and famine is usually a part of judgment.  I've seriously told Abba, I don't know which year is the official year, but this is the sixth year I've planted on this land, and Israel is observing Shemitah this coming year, as well.  I can't ignore the facts I have.  There is more to this story, however; than just my humble opinion over 10 acres of the Ozarks.

Due to drought conditions that still persist in California, millions of acres were not planted this year.  The fact that the drought has persisted may mean even fewer acres will be planted next year . . . Ranchers have still not recovered their herd sizes from the losses incurred due to severe drought earlier in this decade.  Meat prices continue to soar.  What is troubling now, is a serious problem brewing for many Arkansas grain farmers.  A grain holding company is on the verge of a multi-million dollar bankruptcy, which will definitely affect the way farmers plan and plant next year.  Most farmers in this country do not have a year's worth of cash reserve and many use the land, annually, as collateral to buy seed.  There is no financial "wiggle room" for most farmers, which means it is possible that the land will not be worked . . .  Even if there is some sort of crop insurance, that doesn't put food on the grocer's shelves or the kitchen table.

Meanwhile in Kansas, GMO rice has been grown in open fields.

This is an obviously biased report, but the information regarding food stamps and farm subsidies seems pertinent to this article.  So . . . I apologize in advance for the political jabs of mainstream media. 

The land may indeed produce very little next year, and that is only assessing current circumstances.

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