Sunday, February 9, 2014

School Lunches

After reporting about the recent unreasonable way "shortfalls" in school lunch accounts were handled, I decided to do something besides report about it.  My comments were completely biased and editorialized . . .but these are children.  My heart was just so heavy for those children who had been humiliated, then returned to class to finish their day hungry.  Reporting the incident, simply was not enough.

 Scripture tells us we are to help the widows and fatherless, and the poor.  I have no idea how many school children live in single parent homes, but I do know there are many Americans struggling to provide for their families, and they are working!  So, I called the local school to see what could be done to avoid such a ridiculous solution as was perpetrated in Salt Lake City.

It was so easy!  I can actually give them money specifically earmarked to cushion the school lunch program in the event of an outstanding balance.  It can be a one time donation, or I can do it regularly.  Some area churches also have food pantries that are willing to use donations as they are earmarked.

Between school lunch programs and food pantries, fulfilling Scripture to feed the hungry has really never been easier!  A word of caution, though.  There are some USDA issues with the donation of home grown and home preserved products, but fresh produce is acceptable.  Meanwhile, many schools are open and willing to work with people trying to help.

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