Sunday, August 17, 2014


This year, everyone is talking about the flavor of the produce.  It is exceptionally delicious!  The rain and weather have been exceptional, also.  I remember that was also the case in 2007 . . . and abundance.  I had no idea what all needed to be prepared in 2007.  I came into the understanding in 2009, that Shemitah wasn't just for the country in the Middle East, called Israel.  As preparation is being made for Shemitah, a thought occurred to me.  Some flavor is lost in preservation, even when organic produce is preserved at home.  The loss of flavor is simply part of the process of preserving.  It is just inevitable.  It's still much better than no veggies all winter and unbelievably more flavorful than the interesting "fresh" produce sold in the stores through the winter months.  

What if Abba does add extra flavor to the produce the year before Shemitah?  I'm thinking of it as a possible two fold blessing.  With extra flavor before preserving, it will still be delicious over a second year and perhaps this extra flavor is a reward for obedience.   Isaiah 1:19 has come to mind, often this year.  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:   It certainly is noticeable enough for me to remember back to 2007 and the amazing raspberry grove I planted in 2000, which "Rome" destroyed in 2004.

As I said, I hadn't come into the understand that all land needed rest, even though I learned about crop rotation and the land lying fallow, in school . . . Crop rotation is man's way of ignoring Torah and not missing a crop income.  Anyway, due to circumstances far beyond my control, my 2008 garden was meager in the planting and even more meager in the harvest.  The only canning I did that that year was redbud jelly.  The food preserved in 2007, however; was enjoyed up through 2009 even into 2010.

gluten free pizza recipe in the Delectably Kosher Section

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