Sunday, October 20, 2013

An End of Convenience

It's getting cooler.  The morning chores have been down right nippy, these last few days.  I wear sandals nearly year round so when the dew is heavy and the temperature is in the lower 40's, it takes awhile for my toes to warm up after coming in.  Socks and gloves are not the topic of an end of convenience, however.  Moving my herbs to the green house is the end of the convenience for the winter season.

It's been so nice to just walk out the front door to pick any of the fresh herbs I want to add to dinner.  The basil has been superb this year, and chives right out the door offers such ease to my cooking.  Now, it's  not that I mind the extra fifty or so feet out the back door, it's that I have to actually plan what I need before I start the project of dinner.

The definition of convenience in our society is usually associated with prepackaged and prepared products, and the term "store;" but the reality is, not having to go to the store is quite convenient.  I've been enjoying fresh produce for over six months now, without even having to put on shoes or start a vehicle, much less operate a can opener.  Now that's convenience!

In the winter months, it's not just a matter of stepping out the door barefoot with scissors in hand.  I'll also have to do without some fresh herbs til next spring.  They are dried and still flavorful, but it's just not the same.  Going out to the greenhouse involves a jacket and some sort of footwear.  Which is the temporary end of convenience by my definition!  Still, much better, however; than having to fight traffic and wait in line for prepackaged convenience!

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